Friday, May 6, 2016

Why Batman v. Superman is better than all things Marvel #drunkenrebuttal

Here is the problem with the Marvel Universe.  It is not real.  (I KNOW...Let me finish.)
The difference is that DC has  at least one foot in the real world and NOTHING in the Marvel Universe.

With the Marvel Universe, we are talking about a giant green man, an ACTUAL NORSE GOD, etc. etc.  The worst part is that when you look at the timeline of the whole movie and television franchise, everyone in the world seems basically ok with everything they know and believe to be true falling apart in one fell swoop.

With the Marvel Universe, we realize that we are not alone in the universe, that there are aliens, gods, gamma powered men, and so on.  No one seems very upset about all of that though.  Think about it,  If you lived in a major city, most of which was destroyed by aliens and gods and super people wouldn't you grab the kids and move to Kansas?  In the Marvel Universe everything goes back to normal pretty quickly.

Also, lets look at that scene where Hydra goes after Nick Fury...In DOWNTOWN WASHINGTON D.C.!  No cops, no Army, no Air Force...all about a mile or so from the freakin' White House.
The TV shows don't even really touch on what has happened in any real way.  There are kids running around with Capt. America and Iron Man action figures and constantly showing up at things where the Avengers are.  If I EVER see Capt. America or Iron Man running through the streets I RUN!  The people in this universe stand around take pictures and then the next day...well, they go on about their business.

The DC Universe at least tackles that.  Yes, it is very emo, but that is how the world would be if there were aliens and psychotic clowns running around blowing things up.  The DC Universe has been criticized for being too death oriented but you can't get into a real life incarnation of these things without examining the real life consequences and reactions.

Also DC starts and I hope, keeps addressing the idea of a cohesive world where the heroes exist from movie to movie.  I hope they create viable excuses for Superman not being around to help when Gotham is on the verge of destruction.

There are plenty of reasons why none of the stuff in either of these worlds could not and would not happen. The DC Universe has at least one more toe in reality.

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