Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Take a sip when...

Our ride began with Pop Culture Happy Hour.  My roommate and I had the hangout house.  He was a bartender so we always had booze.  I was/am a chef, so I always had food.  We had the big screen tv and the Play Station 3 and the all too massive stereo.  The tradition became that we would all gather and have a few drinks before going out and I would put on a podcast to listen to.  We were new to podcasts then (ahh to be young again!).
That is when we discovered Linda Holmes... Tino was the first to pick it up so I credit him with the discovery.  I will also direct you to him when we talk about blame.  "Genre"  Linda Holmes used the word "genre" a lot.  
Let's be honest about one thing from the start.  EVERYONE has their "thing".  Everyone in the world has their own speech patterns.  I am sure deep in the wilds of the African continent there is someone who speaks a Khoisan dialect that uses too many clicks and is teased by the other Bantu.
Tino had the brilliant idea to break out the whiskey and do a shot every time she said "genre".  I made the mistake of tweeting to her about it and she has since laid off a bit.
We do a lot of work (most of us work on a farm, make of that what you will) but we spend a lot of hours in the sun planting, picking, pulling, etc. and a lot of time listening to podcasts.  We tend to go about our business with our various podcasts downloaded and start at the same time as we go our separate ways across the farm or where ever.  
We got into a rhythm and we hope to talk about some of our favorite podcasts and get to know some new ones.  
Stay tuned!

Oh and standing rule #1 drink whatever you want but be over 21 and drink in moderation.
Standing rule #2, take a shot whenever Paul F Tompkins appears on a podcast!

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