Tuesday, May 31, 2016

How to fund a podcast: Step 1

I wanted this to be a "How did this get made: Podcast Edition but it really very quickly became a really, how did this get made?
There are so very few things that you need to form a podcast, it seems.Mainly it is a microphone, a computer and something to say. Podcasts are the HAM radio of the new milinium.  We all have things to say and whether or not you say them may often depend on the platform you have and your will.  If you can read this, you are almost there.
When we thought up this page and the accompanying twitter account (follow us on @thep_c_d__g on twitter or on facebook at The Podcast Drinking Game,) we looked for a gimmick, but then we settled on just saying what we wanted to say.  These are the things that podcasts are about. Many of them are comprised of the same kind of conversations that you overhear people having in bars and so on, but who do you want to listen and why?
The Wheel of Hate and Vitriol
We did some studies (mainly drunken listening to podcasts, but they were somewhat scientific)  The vast majority of podcasts are critical.  They seek to either reinforce a thought that is out there already or refute it.  A lot of people out there do not feel like they are being heard.  How often have you heard yourself yelling at a podcast through your phone or other listening device.  I tend to stop them, fume over what was said, then continue.  The interesting thing is that what tends to top the charts and get the ratings are just people being mad.
There are some people who should not be allowed on the internet.  Can we say that?  Take Patton Oswalt.  I love him to death and he is a brilliant comedian.  Recently, he got involved in a kerfuffle on Twitter about the new Ghostbusters movie.  I can tell already that I am going to hate it.  He said that it should be given a chance and should not be judged by the trailers.  I think the premise overall is problematic, but so be it.
The problem comes in the fact that there are people out there who want to get noticed.  Coming to Patton (we are in my head, on a first name basis) with a logical, sane, and cordial argument will not get you noticed.  Noooooo.... Some douche had to bring up his recently deceased wife.  Was this a horrible thing to do?  YES.  Did it get written about and shift the conversation from the actual thing to these disgusting morons? YES!  Did said morons get what they wanted? YES!
To pull this all together, there are podcasts out there that I hate!  There area uninformed people with squeaky voices who rant on and on and on and on about anything and everything.  Your first goal is to figure out where you on that Wheel of Hate and Vitriol..

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