Thursday, October 27, 2016

Quid pro...Where is the quo? The Troubling Clinton Money Situation and Stuff.

Something for something, that is what Quid Pro Quo means.

So it was revealed that Bill Clinton got upwards of 66 million dollars in speaking fees from people who were approached on behalf of the Clinton foundation by Teneo.
I read a lot of the articles but pretty much stopped when they said something to effect of "Tax records show that all but about $100,000.00 was returned to Teneo" and that Chelsea Clinton fired off emails on her fathers behalf when she found out about the situation (for which she was called a "spoiled brat")  and said that her father would be appalled when he found out.
They did find out what was going on.  How?  They had an internal fraud investigator hired to make sure that everything they were doing was legal.  So the gist of this story is that in 2011 a company that the Clintons (specifically Bill) was close to, solicited funds for the The Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative.  Teneo, while raising money for them approached them about for profit initiatives without their knowledge or approval. When Chelsea Clinton discovered this after an internal audit, they severed ties....
The right is trying VERY HARD to link this to Hillary Clinton.  The right wants you to believe that Hillary Clinton and her crooked cronies sat down at the kitchen table, rolled up their sleeves and worked late into the night over pots of coffee and piles of cash when in reality it was just a bunch of people trying to capitalize off of their fame.

The problem is the Quo.
Imagine someone paid you $66 million. The right is struggling and I stress STRUGGLING to find what these people got for their money.  There are ifs and maybes, but no "quo"  there is nothing that they can point to that shows any benefit for those contributing.  Show me the quo.
Ron Fornier has been saying "follow the money" show me the Ferrari's and the mansions.  Show me the private jet (Bill Clinton very famously has to hitch rides on other people's jets).
Forget the fact that he gave the money back when he found out what was going on.  Think about the fact that the logic is that he took this money on behalf of an organization that is doing a lot of good work in the world and got nothing for their money.
The devil is in the speculation.  They lead you just to the edge of a conclusion, just to edge of feeling that something is wrong.  They must be doing something horrendous with the money (even though they did not keep it) but we can figure out what it is.

Wiki leaks did not conduct an investigation.  They merely found out about the investigations that the Clintons conducted on themselves.  They are revealing problems that the Clintons discovered internally and solved years ago.

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