Friday, November 11, 2016

A Year From Now.

Over the desk here, there is a sign that says "A year from now, you will wish you had started today."  We were considering getting a "Hang in there!" cat, but in the scheme of things this seemed a bit more motivational.  In any event, we wonder what Trump will be hanging over the Resolute Desk in the Oval office.  No it was not a dream and yes he did win.

It goes without saying that the world is in a bit of an uproar.  The...entire...WORLD.   Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany even offered her remarks about the situation.  Let's not think about the irony of Germany lecturing the U.S. about leaders and have the (albeit only recently acquired) standing to do so.

Today's blog post is going to be short.  We are going to make a promise or rather an assertion?  Who knows.  In any event, we are going to give a timeline.  It is well accepted that a president's most effective time is the first 100 days of presidency.  We are going to give him an entire year.

First, let's escape some trappings before we begin.  We are not journalists.  We are concerned citizens with, for the time being, protection of the First Amendment.  Consider this entire blog editorial.

Second, in that same vein, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are removed from the table.  Pres. Obama came into office with a down economy and a country at war and leaves a somewhat peaceful and rebounding economy,  We have even started taking pictures of gas prices.  But that being said, we want it noted.  See, the tendency now is for things to get a little fuzzy.  We are talking about a man who said he was going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.  Given the things that he has said over the course of his campaign, it is likely that several things would go wrong with his rather simplistic plan. Things like, it won't get built at all for which he would blame Obama.  It gets built but Mexico does not pay and the American tax payer ends up footing the bill.  Whatever happens, I could actually see him saying "What wall?"

He will have the presidency, both houses of congress, and the Supreme Court so what has happened is there is NOTHING stopping him from doing what he wants and by that same token, he can't blame others when it doesn't happen.

Third, and this is key.  The clock starts NOW! or rather for us, two days ago.  We are still reeling from the results of the election, but things are already starting to come in.  Chris Christie, as of this writing is on hold as part of his transition team because he is facing legal troubles of his own.  Trump himself is due in court in two weeks over allegations of his own.  We will see how that turns out.  A lot of people are saying that he should not be held accountable until he is sworn in and that, is false.  The world is reacting to the news that he will take the seat.  Things are taking shape now.  There are long lists of things I could say are happening, but I do not have the time and frankly after the last few days, we are exhausted.

Things are going to change in the next 363 days possibly sooner. We wanted to start talking about it now.  We wanted to begin processing.  The sooner the better because a year from now, we'll have wished we had started today.

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