Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Kim What's-her-name is a hero!

Kim Kardashian is a hero.  We all know that she was robbed and that Kanye West had to abruptly leave a concert to rush to her side.  It was amazing and much like the rest of their lives, like something out of a b movie.
When I say she is a hero, I mean that she is a hero to the world for going through that ordeal and showing us who we are.  See, the majority of the fallout came in the form ridicule and derision from the internet because 9 or 10 million dollars worth of stuff was stolen.
The new face of social justice
I watched as people piled on with comment after comment with little care for a human being who had a gun pointed at her.  Everyone who knows me knows that I read articles for the facts and the comments below for a feel about how the nation or the world deals with things and this time the interwebs did not let me down.
The Kardashians overall put us in a strange place in our zeitgeist.  Women should be free to show off their bodies, except the Kardashians.  Women can sleep with whomever they want, except the Kardashians. They are the American royalty that we love to hate.
I subscribe to elite sites like Huffington Post, CNN, and NPR.  Imagine my surprise when I saw oh so much Kardashian related news showing up in my feed.  Truth be told I know very little about  either them Kanye except what could be gleaned from cultural osmosis.  I could not pick any one of them out of a police line up but if I saw one walking down the street, I would know them by the throngs of people following them to take pictures, talk to them, and then say they hate them.
She is a hero, not for surviving the incident.  She is a hero for bringing to the surface, once again, what is wrong with the world.  We do so often lose our humanity in small ways, but this one is different.
The Kardashians exist, in all ways, in their own little world.  We love them because it is ok to hate them and that is fascinating.
Trolls are going to come out.  It is inevitable. When Patton Oswald lost his wife earlier this year, so many people offered condolences and the vast majority of people in the cyber world were horrified and saddened.  Still there was a contingent who just had to be heard and they did not care how they were heard, just that they were heard. Whatever the discussion, there was always one or two people who would take the opportunity to say the most horrible, disgusting, and insensitive things to Patton Oswald.
This is not that.   What we have here is a group feed.  People seemed to take one of three positions.  First and most abundant, there were the people who were just so angry that this was even in their feed.  They hated that major news organizations were even reporting on it.  The Kardashians had fallen so far down their well of care that they were irritated by their push into their world.
Then there were the people who were sensitive to the whole thing and were defending and praying or Kim and her family.  Many took it a step further and went on to admonish those who were picking on her .
By far, the majority read this story and said, "Fuck her. She's rich.  She shouldn't have been showing off"  They all came out of the woodwork and were made bolder by the fact that huge crowds were piling on and the frenzy ensued.  Nearly an entire nation indifferent or angry at the threatening of a woman's life. 
Rosa Parks...MLK... JFK... Kim Kardashian? 
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