Saturday, December 3, 2016

Could We Be Getting "Dave"-ed by the Trump Administration?

Dave was a quirky little rom/political-com that came out in 1993.  The President is in a coma and not expected to live, so the President's staff enlist the aid of an actor (Kevin Kline) who happens to look just like him to impersonate the President until they can make arrangements.  Hijinks ensue.

The interesting thing to think about is if it could actually happen with Trump.  People were relentless with President Obama, following him whenever he left The White House to see whom he would fist bump or what cute babies he would kiss but we always knew where he was and what he was doing at just about any given time.  The same goes for just about every president in modern history.

Trump is different, though.  He has already shown that he is a rally guy.  He is a Twitter guy.  He is not much for press conferences.  He has already said that he is going to split his time between New York and Washington D.C. What does this mean?  This is pure speculation.  There may come a day when we get "Dave"-ed.

It is a hard thing to think about but what if something should (goodness forbid) happen to Trump or if he should just want to disappear for a few days, weeks, months?  He has been good at eluding the press already and maybe,, just maybe, we are being set up for something.  It seems that he is conditioning us for some sort of departure by making Twitter his primary form of communication.

The Trump persona lends itself to imitation just by virtue of how visually LOUD it is.  Dictators (not saying that he is one) are prone to creating loud public personas so that they can hide whenever they want.  Saddam Hussein with his mustache and look at Castro, with his signature beard?  They and many more were known to have body doubles.  What is to stop Trump from slapping a blond wig on someone and letting a teenager take over his Twitter account as he steps out? Or worse yet, for his staff to do the same?

Imagine four years of body doubles with wigs being shuffled in and out of buildings and Tweets from his real account saying everything is fine.    How many times can they just show him getting on a plane and saying he is in NY  when they ask in D.C. and vice versa?

Pence and Priebus are pretty much running things anyway.  In fact, the growing consensus is that Trump seems to think that his role would be more ceremonial and that they would do all the hard work.  This is pure speculation, but we could be looking at a president who just pops up for public events or has a body double zip in and out and, goodness forbid something happens to him, could be easily replaced.  Something to think about.

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