Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Trump Bandwidth Test...Trumpwidth?

As of this writing, the senate is scrambling to wrangle votes for the repeal of the ACA but yesterday, he made a speech at the Boy Scouts Jamboree in Virginia and it was truly what we thought it would be.

Trump made a series of comments about how he won the election.  He talked about President Obama not attending a jamboree in person, but not the fact that President Obama was himself a Boy Scout.  He talked about fake news, loyalty, and draining the swamp or rather the "sewer".
It is really very odd that he would make such a speech the day before voting to begin debate on the bill to repeal Obamacare and this lends itself to a bigger question; do we have the bandwidth to deal with all of this?
Kellyanne Conway debated Reliable Sources anchor Brian Stelter a few days ago and each of them looked at a graphic that said that only 6 percent of people in the U.S. were interested in the Russia story.  Conway pointed out that there was a disproportionate amount of coverage for something so few people were interested in.  Stelter replied with something that I have often thought but rarely is presented; can't we care about more than one thing at one time?

The motion to bring the repeal vote forward has been passed with a 50 to 50 vote pushed forward by Vice President Pence.

I am still outraged by Trump's self serving and petty speech made in front of a 40,000 boys at the Jamboree but I can also think about what we are facing as this bill moves forward to the debate phase. I am also very still very interested in Russia, Trump's tax returns, the fact that he claims millions of people voted illegally and so on and so on. The bill is moving forward, but can we learn about it?  Can we talk about what it means as it becomes public?

Rest assured Donald Trump is going to say or do something in the next week or more.  New revelations will come out about Russia.  Jeff Sessions is getting roasted in the media by his boss.  Jason Chaffetz is even engaging in a war with Hillary Clinton AND Chelsea Clinton about, of all things, Benghazi for goodness sake.  Are we so attracted to or distracted by shiny objects?

Is this part of a larger strategy?  Are we seeing that the goal is to so overload our liberal outrage to make it nearly impossible to focus our outrage?

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