Wednesday, July 6, 2016

WTF did I just see? #altonsterling

Yeah, I watched it.  Yeah, I was appalled.  The question is, what does it mean?
We have gone through the standard arc, but are we seeing the problem now?
See, every time this happens, we get faster and faster.
When Trayvon Martin was shot and killed, it took days to find out that he had been on his way to get high.
When Michael Brown was shot and killed, it took maybe a day to find out that he had just come back from taking some cigars from a bodega around the corner
When Eric Garner was choked to death, they said he was resisting and that he was illegally selling cigarettes.
John Crawford III, he was pointing a gun (bb gun) at!
Tamir Rice?  Same.
They were all asking for it.
Maybe...Just maybe we could look at these cases for what they are.  They are murders.  Alton Sterling was not a law abiding citizen (years ago).  From all reports, he was a sex offender who had a few other convictions under his belt.  The thing that we  like to gloss over is that was not what he was doing when the police came upon him.
He was selling CD's.  Someone told the police that he had pulled a gun on them.  We do not know who that person is.  The owner of the store he was in front of, said that he saw no fight and no gun.  Prior to the cops arriving, he was laughing and joking with the owner a mere moments before.
They pulled up and within moments, was dead, shot at point blank range the back.
The whole thing was recorded.  Police have earned such a reputation that as soon as they show up, someone starts filming with one of the many cameras at their disposal.
Someone, somewhere is watching.
As good as it is that it is all being filmed, there is also the notion that it hit the web immediately.  We went straight past the "authorities" and wen straight to youtube.
Within moments, it was viral.
Within moments people started digging.
Within hours everyone knew everything they would ever know about Alton Sterling.
Within hours everyone knew everything they would ever want to know.
Is this justice?  Who knows.  It is 2016.  In this case and many like it, the case is simple.

The comparison cases are going to come out.  People will dig up cases from years ago where something similar had happened to a white person.
The zeitgeist will say that something should be done and that cops are corrupt.
The zeitgeist will say that people need to let the cops do their work.

What is going to happen next?
What more is there to know?

It is going to happen again and we are going to get better at it.  A black man is going to get gunned down and someone is going to get it on film and we will immediately begin to pick it apart and so on and so on and so on.

We will just keep adding to the list.
Yeah I watched it, but WTF did I just see?

We are living n interesting times.  If you do not think that we are, then you are not paying attention.

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